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Tips for Moving in Bad Weather Conditions

Spring weather can be a little unpredictable, to say the least, so it’s important to expect the worst but hope for the best when it comes time for your springtime move. Even if the rain comes, don’t let grey skies ruin your moving day. There are a few things you can do to make sure your move runs smoothly and keep your new home shining even when the sun is not.

Keep the Furniture In and the Rain Out

Dress for Success: The first step to ensuring a successful move is to dress for the weather, no matter what it may be. If the sun is shining bright, you’ve lucked out, but make sure you have the appropriate footwear. Even in the dead of summer, flip-flops are a definite no-go for moving. If you like having all of your toes, we suggest closed-toed shoes for all weather. If rain is falling on your moving day, opt for a waterproof shoe and jacket for your comfort. No one likes squishy socks and soaked clothes. If you are so unlucky as to have snow and ice on your moving day, bundle up and wear warm boots with as much traction as possible. Keeping warm is important for keeping high spirits, boots prevent slipping on any icy patches, and gloves serve a dual purpose – keeping your fingers warm while helping you grip heavy furniture.

Tips for Moving in Poor Weather Conditions

Protect those floors: Any sort of rain, sleet, ice, or snow on moving day could spell disaster for your delicate hardwood floors and clean carpets. Because it’s safe to assume that no member of your moving party will be taking off their shoes in between trips, the best option is to protect your floors. We suggest laying down a tarp, cardboard, or old towels on high-traffic areas. Not only will these precautions protect your more delicate floors, but they will also prevent any slippery situations on tile or vinyl floors. For a more in-depth look at how to protect your floors, check out our guide to protecting hardwood floors blog.

Keep it clean: If you know in advance that the weather on your moving day is not going to look great, it’s a good idea to invest in durable packing materials, as they can really make or break your moving experience in bad weather. Purchase or borrow tarps and heavy blankets to protect bulky items from water damage. Go to your local moving company and purchase a mattress bag to save your mattress from mud on moving day. Finally, waterproof bins are great for protecting water-sensitive items like paper and expensive electronics.

Moving with Shleppers

Stay out of the rain completely on moving day by hiring the professionals to do it for you. Shleppers experienced movers are here to help – rain or shine. Get a FREE quote here or call us at 800-847-4537 today!