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Do You Have a New Address for the New Year? Tips for Getting to Know Your New Neighborhood

When you move, everything changes. Whether you’ve moved across town, out of state, or across the country, you will find that you have a lot of discovery ahead of you. Figuring out how to get to work, where the kids’ school is, what local traffic patterns are, where the best coffee shop is, and who lives in your new neighborhood is an ongoing process. Here are some tips for getting to know your new neighborhood a little easier:

Go For a Walk

Strolling around the neighborhood is the best way to really see it. Check out the homes, businesses, and area that surrounds your new address at your own pace. It’s great exercise and you may meet some of your neighbors as they’re out and about.

Try Local Businesses

While it’s comfortable to shop at familiar chain retailers and restaurants, the true character of many communities can be found in the smaller, local businesses. Resolve to try at least one local business each week. As you meet people, ask them for insights. Asking “What’s the best place to get a pizza around here?” is an easy conversation starter and may lead you to a restaurant you never would have found on your own.

Check Community Events Calendars

Local media, chambers of commerce, and other community centers often host events calendars. Make a point of finding out what’s going on in your neighborhood and attend gatherings that sound like they’ll be of interest to you. These events bring lots of people together; friendships can begin over shared interests.


One of the fastest ways to make friends is to volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. Whether it’s the arts, animals, athletics or some other passion, there’s most likely a group or organization devoted to it. Connect with likeminded people that do good work. Often a community’s most dynamic individuals belong to one or more groups: these people know everyone. Ask them to introduce you to other people you should know – odds are they’ll welcome the opportunity.

Remember It Takes Time

Adjusting to a new neighborhood won’t happen overnight. Local people may take a while to warm up to newcomers in their midst. Don’t stress yourself out trying to fit in overnight. Go at your own pace, stay connected with your friends and family elsewhere, and the transition into the neighborhood will be more natural and comfortable than if you try to force it.