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How to Navigate NYC like a Local

Welcome to the Big City

So, you’ve just moved to NYC, or you’re considering heading there soon. Manhattan alone boasts a population well over 1.5 million, and everyone seems to be moving at a lightning-speed pace, so it can be a daunting task to try and fit in. Luckily, while you can never be one hundred percent prepared for a city like NYC, we have some tips on how you can learn to navigateNYC as if you’ve lived there for almost your whole life. After all, New York City has ranked Shleppers Moving & Storage as the moving experts in “The City That Never Sleeps”!

 Perfect New York City Planning 

Sure, everyone says planning is vital for most things, however we can’t emphasize enough just how important planning is in a massive city like NYC. The subway is great, but it can be unreliable from time to time. Figure out where you are going, how you are going to get there, and procure a backup route, just in case your first choice of transportation doesn’t pan out in your favor. Various travel apps can help you learn how to use the subway— we highly recommend CityMapper or Google Maps for transit directions. 

Meet the People of New York

If you’ve never lived in a city before, the shock of moving someplace like NYC will take some time to wear off – or set in. Massive crowds, various types of personalities, and noise are all abound in The Big Apple. Not everyone is going to be pleasant to deal with, as New Yorkers are traditionally very direct and upfront – something you may not be used to. Our best advice is to not let one person or event get you down; NYC is a city full of opportunity – it just may take some time to show itself to you.  

 Learning to “Que” in NYC

People in cities like NYC learn to “que” rather quickly– or should we say, stand in line. If you’ve ever lived in the UK, then you’ll know that “queuing” is a fancy slang word for lining up and waiting your turn. Chances are you will have to do this fairly often, so prepare yourself now with the patience to wait in line for pretty much anywhere you go. That’s just one of the prices you pay for living in the greatest city in the world! 

Did Someone Say “Free”? Affordable NYC

New York is not cheap. You pay a premium for an apartment that is probably half the size that you are used to. Things like free Wi-Fi hotspots, and the free Staten Island Ferry can help you save a bit more for your rent and other expenses, so it helps to research some insider sites to locate the best deals in NYC.  

If you’re considering a move to NYC, or simply relocating to a different area in the City, you’ll want to get in touch with Shleppers Moving & Storage. We’ll work with your budget in order to provide you with an affordable, high-quality move. Contact us now for help on your move today! 

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