Moving in NYC With Your Significant Other
Moving in with your significant other is a HUGE step and can be both exciting and challenging. You will face many different decisions than you would if you were moving in alone. Not only do you have to find a new place, you need to sort through all your items to determine what stays and what leaves, have important talks about finances and how much you can afford. Taking this leap is important for a relationship and it shows if you are prepared to share a place with each other 24/7.
Moving in with your significant other is much different than living with your best friends because when you are sharing a small space with your significant other, problems will be brought to light quicker. Follow these tips from Shleppers local moving company in NYC to make your move less stressful if you are a couple that will be cohabitating in NYC.
1: Go Through All Your Belongings
This should be the first step to moving in with your significant other that will save you time, money, and stress prior to the move. While you are looking through your items, most likely you will come across stuff you either do not want, do not use, or you will have duplicates of such as kitchen utensils, tables, etc., between the two apartments. However, you also have big items like couches, appliances, and dressers that may not fit into the new place. You will need to figure out what items in your apartment you are going to throw away, sell, or donate prior to moving and which items you are keeping.
Advice: Together, take an inventory of both apartments and collectively decide what you will keep and what you will get rid of. Then measure all your big belongings such as furniture that you are keeping so you know how much square footage you need.
2: Where Are You Moving?
One of the first questions you should ask your partner is, are you moving into theirs, yours, or finding a new place? This may be an easy decision if one partner has a shorter commute or has the ideal bedrooms and rooms in the apartment. However, picking a house/apartment requires factoring in commutes for both partners, neighborhood amenities, restaurants, bars, shopping, and maybe even accommodations for pets.
3: Decide Together What Items to Keep
Now that you have your new place to move into, you need to decide which items to keep, donate, sell, or throw away, together. The cost of your move is determined by everything you keep and will be weighed. The heavier a load of belongings, the more expensive the move.
Advice: Your partner may be willing to give up certain items over others. Instead of telling your significant other not to bring certain items that they love, try to reason with them. Use open communication and explain that there is not enough space for these things. From there, get creative and figure out how to accommodate them in the new place or get storage space.
Taking the Leap
Moving in with your significant other requires a lot of planning, organization, and money. It is the perfect recipe for stress. Shleppers Moving & Storage has been moving couples in NYC for over 4 decades and knows what it takes to deliver a stress-free, affordable, and easy move. Based on the number of items you are moving, how complicated, and how far the move is, it is best to leave it to the professionals. New York movers, Shleppers, have the expertise and experience needed to deliver a smooth and pain-free move.
There is a lot to think about when you decide to move in together from choosing the ideal place to blending your lives into one space and having money talks. Once it is all complete, the stress will be gone, and you will be able to enjoy quality time with your best friend in your new home. For a FREE no-obligation quote from Shleppers, fill out a form here or call 800-847-4537 with any questions.