The day will come- and it will be a wonderful, joyous, do-a-happy-dance day – when you receive an offer, or multiple offers, for your home. And on that day, you’re going to face a few questions you may not have previously considered:
How do you pick the one that is right for you?
The smart move is to choose the highest one, right?
It is important to consider the merits and faults of an offer because — believe it or not — it’s not always about price. In fact, price is just one of many considerations when deciding which offer is best for you and your home. Don’t worry – Shleppers professional moving company in NYC is here to help. Here are some of the other factors that matter when selling your home and how each one could affect your choice.
Things to Consider in a Home Offer
Most buyers include some contingencies with their offer. Contingencies are things that must happen in a set period for the deal to go through. The most common contingencies are inspection, financing, and appraisal—the fewer contingencies and the shorter the time period, the better.
Loan Type
There are many types of mortgages, and some are easier to deal with than others. A conventional loan is often the least complicated type, making it an appealing choice for sellers. An FHA loan or other government-backed loan types can cause delays because they require certain repairs and approvals.
Earnest Money
Earnest money is what deposit buyers put down to show they’re serious about buying the house. Typically, the earnest money is between 1 and 3 percent of the purchase price—the higher, the better for you. You can keep the earnest money if the buyer changes their mind about buying in some cases, such as when there’s nothing wrong with the property, but they just got cold feet. The larger the earnest deposit, the more confident you can be that the deal will go through.
Shleppers Moving and Storage – Professional Moving Company in NYC
Choosing between multiple offers is every home seller’s dream! Enjoy the moment but take the time to look closely at the terms and conditions of each offer and let a professional NYC moving company like Shleppers take care of the fine details associated with your move.
Contact Shleppers Moving & Storage to get a FREE QUOTE for your move NOW!