When it comes to a big move, the more help, the better! Having friends and family to assist with a move can be a big help to lift some of the stress of a move, but recruiting loved ones to help out on moving day can be tricky without feeling like a burden. Here are some helpful tips for asking your friends and family for help!
Round up the Team!
- Family First: If you’re worried about having to recruit friends, reach out to family members first. While family certainly is not obligated to give up their time to help during a move, family members are a great place to start when asking for moving help as the sense of familial obligation might make our loved ones more likely to help during a move.
- Schedule in advance: The best way to ensure your friends want to help you out on a moving day is to schedule your move around their free time. Schedule your move for a day when your friends already have off or is far enough in advance where they could ask off work without feeling stressed. Moving already makes for a stressful time, trying to schedule your move far in advance can prevent any additional frustrations!
- Make it a party: Moving day doesn’t just have to be a chore, it can also be celebration! Make your housewarming party on move-in day and invite your friends and loved ones to stay for a small celebration after the move. Even if there no furniture, disorganized items, and boxes all over the floor, a small welcoming celebration with the people you love the most is a great opportunity to make memories.
- Call the pros: To really reduce moving day stress, get a moving team involved! No need to take on the hassle of packing up a moving truck and navigating it across busy city streets when you could have a team of professionals to do it for you. Friends can still swing by to help you pack up and unpack, or Shleppers moving professionals can help you with every step of the moving process!
Moving with Shleppers
When it comes to moving day, Shleppers local movers are the best team to have in your court. Professional movers are sure to have your back, whether your loved ones can be there to assist or not. If you see a move in your future, visit our website for a completely free quote or give us a call at 800-847-4537 for more info!