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Moving Soon? Don’t Forget to Pack Your First Night Box

We’ve talked about packing a “first-day” box for your move in “Clever Tips & Tricks You’ll Wish You Had Thought Of”. A “first-day” box includes any items you’ll need for your first day at your new home. Such items include paper dining ware, toiletries, and any other items you might need for those first few days at home when settling in is your main priority.

But, what about that first night at home? All too often we have moving customers come to us saying that their move with Shleppers was quick, easy and efficient— their only regret? Not setting aside a box of items for that first night home.

What to Pack in Your “First-Night Box”

Though the end of moving day often leads to a huge sense of relief— it can also cause you to start stressing on what comes next: unpacking. Packing a “first-night” box can minimize the stress of searching through piles and piles of boxes to find those must-have belongings for some unwinding and a good night’s sleep. Here’s what you should pack in your first-night box…

Towels to dry off from a much-needed shower or bath after an emotional moving day
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner/soap and any other hygiene and self-care toiletries to help you de-stress
Bathroom Cartoon
Food for your first dinner in your new home
Laptop, router, and chargers for any electrical devices you may want to use on your first night home
Cozy pajamas and bedding for a restful night’s sleep
Toys to keep the kids occupied (if applicable)
Several pairs of clothes for upcoming days
Clothing Closet

Pack the above items to ensure you are prepared for your first night in your new home. Trust us, you’ll be thanking yourself later!