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Preparing for Roommates to Move In or Out: A Checklist from Shleppers

Being a New Yorker means you have roommates. You’re going to have roommates moving into the apartment, and you’re going to have roommates moving out of the apartment. If you’re not the one moving, these moves should be stress-free, but that’s not how it always happens. Here are some moving hacks you can use to keep roommate moves a simple process:

When Your Roommate is Moving In

If you have a pet of any kind, make sure it is safe and secure in a room where it can’t sneak out of an open door during the move. If you have kids, arranging to have the roommate move in when they’re at daycare or school is a good best practice.

Make sure you know the building rules surrounding moves and let your roommate know about them. These rules can include everything from where the moving truck is allowed to park, whether an elevator needs to be reserved for the move, and more.

Your roommate will need a place to put their things. Make sure that their share of storage areas in the kitchen, bathroom, and other common areas, are clean and ready to use.

sleeping cat

When Your Roommate is Moving Out

Pets and children need to be safely contained during the moving out process. Not only does this keep them from getting underfoot, but it can be hard for kids to see a roommate they’ve grown attached to leaving. Timing a move to take place during school or daycare hours can make life easier for everyone.

Make sure your personal items are picked up and kept separate from the items the roommate is planning to move out. Most people begin to pack for a move at least a few days in advance. Avoid storing your own things on, in or near the boxes they’re using. Otherwise, your items may move out with your roommate.

boxes with labels on them

In the same vein, make sure your personal values, sentimental treasures, legal documents and other important items are safe and secure during the move. It’s also very useful to make sure your roommate can move things out of your home easily. This may mean moving some of your furniture or other possessions out of the way temporarily.

Moving involves a lot of heavy lifting. If you know your roommate is going to need help with their move, let them know about Shleppers. We’re New York City’s top relocation company for a reason. Whether your roommate is staying in the neighborhood, is moving out of the City, or all the way to California, we can help!