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Thinking About Driving a Rental Moving Truck into Bergen County, NJ?

Bergen County, NJ is conveniently close to New York City. For hundreds of years, it’s been a community of choice for commuters, who either moved into the county themselves or drive through it regularly. The resulting traffic has always been a problem. Some communities in Bergen County, including Leonia, have instituted rules barring commuters from accessing side streets during the day in an effort to make it easier for local residents to go about their day.

So what happens if you’re planning on becoming a local resident in Bergen County, NJ? While you don’t have to worry about the rules barring commuters – Leonia residents receive parking permits that indicate their right to be where they please in the town, and other towns considering similar legislation are expected to follow suit – there’s no escaping the fact that traffic is an issue in Bergen County.

car parking

If you’re thinking about driving a rented moving truck into Bergen County, NJ, it’s a good idea to ask yourself some questions. How familiar are you with the neighborhood, including the streets you’ll need to travel to access your new home? What is the parking situation like? Will you have difficulty securing parking in a reasonable proximity to your new home? How comfortable are you behind the wheel of a large vehicle in heavy traffic? Do you have superior insurance protection in place in the event of an accident? Will you be able to maneuver a large truck safely and confidently through crowded streets with other drivers who don’t have your best interest in mind? What happens if the directions the GPS gives you are wrong or impossible to follow? Are you prepared for road construction, delays due to motor vehicle accidents, and rush hour?


At this point, you may be thinking that driving a rental moving truck into Bergen County, NJ is not sounding like it will be a whole lot of fun. To keep your stress level low and reduce the difficulty setting on your move, consider having NYC’s top relocation company handle the driving for you. Our experienced drivers take moving trucks through the busiest neighborhoods in the world on a daily basis and are fully prepared to handle all of the challenges involved. Let them handle the moving truck so you can concentrate on the rest of your moving day to-dos.