When you’re a small child, a household move can be an upsetting, disruptive experience. Suddenly, without warning, all of your things go into boxes and crews of people show up to load furniture into the moving truck. Everything changes – your room, your school, your neighborhood – and you’re not sure if you’re going to see your friends ever again.
There are ways to make the process easier, especially for your youngest kids. When children are informed and prepared for a move, they experience less stress, anxiety, and bad behavior than children who are surprised by a change of address. The key is communicating with your children throughout the move in a way that’s age appropriate and positive.
Saying Goodbye to the Old House
Very young children may not understand much, but they do know hello and goodbye – the greetings that make up a good portion of everyday life. When you’re moving into a new place, it can help kids to say goodbye to the old one. Every family does this differently: some children may benefit from saying goodbye to each room, while others simply wave at the door. Ask your children about their favorite memories about your current place: they’ll want to hear about them from you later.
Do a Photo Tour of the Neighborhood
Grab your phone and go to all of your child’s favorite neighborhood hangouts with them. Let them be the guide on this adventure. While you may not think there’s anything all that special about the local bodega or the train station, it can be really meaningful from your kid’s perspective. Take pictures and create a slideshow your child can scroll through after the move. You can also use the pictures to make a memory book your child will enjoy.
Have a Farewell Party
Young children form intense friendships. Having a farewell party can be a very simple get together – small kids are happy with simple food like chicken nuggets and cake. Having a chance to say goodbye to their friends matters – and don’t be surprised if the kids take advantage of the opportunity to make sure they can stay in touch by using their favorite game’s messaging features.